How to Setup Jenkins X on Oracle Container Engine


This setup guide will help to setup jenkins-x on an OKE cluster.


Step 1

  • deploy vcn and resources in OCI

Step 2 Deploy new cluster in OCI

jx create cluster oke \
--name="c2-oke-hcbc" \
--docker-registry="<tenancy-name>" \
--compartmentId="<compartment-ocid>" \
--serviceLbSubnetIds="<loadbalancer1-ocid>,<loadbalancer2-ocid>" \
--endpoint="" \
--vcnId="<vcn-ocid>" \
--sshPublicKey="<content-of-public-ssh-key>" \
--nodePoolSubnetIds="<worker-node-subnet-ocid>" \
  • follow the prompt to choose the latest kubernetes version, image versions, and instance shapes that you want

Setup 3 Download kubeconfig file

  • click the access kubectl button on the oke page to download the kubectl config mkdir -p $HOME/.kube ``` oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig –cluster-id –file $HOME/.kube/config –region us-ashburn-1
## Setup Change to jx ns

jx ns jx

## Step 4 Create a docker authentication token
- create docker auth
    - for the secret value you create an auth token for the user in the tenancy

jx create docker auth –host “” –secret “” –email “” –user “/

## Step 5 Deploy an application on Jenkins X
- create application

jx create quickstart -l go ```